
Part 3 Settlement Consolidation Sites

For the purposes of this monitoring report such sites are considered to align with the identified Strategic Development Areas as set out in the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Eastern and Midland Region which within South Dublin relate to:
Adamstown SDZ
Clonburris SDZ
Tallaght Town Centre
Naas Road/City Edge
Fortunestown Area.

High Level Overview Table of progression of Strategic Development Areas  (Relevant to end of Q2 2023)




City Edge





Enabling Infrastructure

Majority of main Infrastructure delivered.

DART + SW under consultation via Railway Order process.

Dart+ SW will serve the new community at Clonburris with more regular trains and quicker journey times.

Kishouge Station Opening 2024.

Engagement with NTA to progress public transport and active travel initiatives for City Edge.

SDCC has been progressing a number of Council led schemes within the Tallaght LAP development area.

Citywest Neighbourhood Park will enhance the open space and Green Infrastructure offering. Citywest junction link at Tallaght/Fortunestown LUAS has now been completed.

LIHAF Funding infrastructure.

Access Road.

Spine Road Joint Venture, Junction 1 and 2. Final Sections to be completed Mid 2024.

Grange Castle West Access Road Complete. €13 million investment including full services.

Permissions Granted

Total Units 2967.

930 Units permitted and Under Construction.

2037 Units Permitted not commenced.

5691631,9182,3781,13311 grants of planning permission within Grangecastle since the plan has been adopted providing for a total of 102,000sqm

Units Constructed

1949 Units Constructed.

115 units permitted and under construction. 415 Units permitted but not commenced.

0 (163 Under Construction)

32 (1095 permitted and under construction)

1,345 Units constructed within the LAP Area. 2,378 Units permitted with 912 under construction and 1466 units permitted and yet to commence.

285 Unit Constructed, 309 permitted and under construction. 539 Units permitted not commenced.


Funding Applications Made

The €9.997 million in URDF funding announced will provide for public infrastructure and amenities that will facilitate the development of the Adamstown Town Centre.

€186.3 Million allocated under URDF call 2.

URDF drawdown of €920,000 by SDCC/DCC to fund preparation of Strategic Framework, fully complete, with 25% match funding provided.

URDF Funding obtained c.€32 million with a further 25% funding by South Dublin County Council.


Project Timelines

Currently within Phases 6 of the SDZ Planning Scheme

Phased in accordance with SDZ Planning Scheme

City Edge Strategic Framework published in August 2022, setting out the long term vision for the area to 2070.

Works underway and nearing completion.

Tallaght Public Realm, Transport interchange, Affordable Housing, Contractor Appointed, 4Th Stand, Innovation Centre – Nearing Completion.

The vast majority of the zoned residential lands within the LAP area are expected to be completed during the life of the current County Development Plan.

2021 - 2025

Climate Action & Energy
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities

Clondalkin, Clonburris & Grange Castle

Clondalkin, Clonburris & Grange Castle
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action & Energy
Population Growth & Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities

Naas Road

Naas Road
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action & Energy
Population Growth & Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities

Citywest, Saggart, Rathcoole & Newcastle

Citywest, Saggart, Rathcoole & Newcastle
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action and Energy
Population Growth and Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development and Employment
Natural Heritage and Biodiversity
Infrastructure and Utilities


Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action & Energy
Population Growth & Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities

Templeogue, Walkinstown, Rathfarnham, Firhouse

Templeogue, Walkinstown, Rathfarnham, Firhouse
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action and Energy
Population Growth and Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development and Employment
Natural Heritage and Biodiversity
Infrastructure and Utilities

Rural Uplands

Rural Uplands
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action & Energy
Population Growth & Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities